AirN Solution

사업영역 AirN Solution

AirN Solution

  • PM 2.5Sensor

  • Temperature

  • Announcement


The AirN integrated solution measures the outdoor air quality through the AirN sensor,
performs automatic alarm broadcasting through the AirN-EB,
guides the air quality through the AirN signal and AirN Stlight Suggested action for each.

  • Real-time monitoring
    through APP/WEB

    Real-time monitoring of sensor
    measured data through
    APP and WEB

  • Automatic alarm

    Data received from the sensor
    can be used for
    emergency broadcasting through emergency light switch
    (Four-stage broadcast by concentration)

  • Fine dust concentration that can be grasped at a glance

    Four colors can be displayed according to the values Modern temperature, ultrafine dust,
    fine dust level can be checked